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6 Ways to Stay Healthy This Spring

6 Ways to Stay Healthy This Spring Welcome the season of renewal with open arms and a proactive mindset toward your health! As flowers bloom and the outdoor beckons, it’s important to navigate the beauty of spring while taking care of your health. Our team at St. Gianna Clinic is here to guide you with […]

What is NaPro Technology and How Can it Help Me?

What is NaPro Technology and How Can it Help Me? NaPro Technology, short for Natural Procreative (Procreation) Technology, is a medical approach to women’s health and fertility that focuses on identifying and treating the underlying causes of reproductive issues rather than simply masking symptoms. It is rooted in the belief that fertility is a sign […]

Benefits of Gratitude

Benefits of Gratitude Expressing gratitude and cultivating a thankful mindset can have various positive effects on both mental and physical well-being. While everyone has struggles in life, we all have many things to be grateful for. Here are some benefits of practicing gratitude: Improved Mental Health: Gratitude is linked to lower levels of depression and […]

How to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder

In the tapestry of my life, faith has emerged as the golden thread weaving through the fabric of my health and healing. Faith can have a profound impact on your life’s journey. Here are several ways I’ve discovered in which faith can play a significant role.

The Power of Faith in Your Health, Healing and Life’s Journey

In the tapestry of my life, faith has emerged as the golden thread weaving through the fabric of my health and healing. Faith can have a profound impact on your life’s journey. Here are several ways I’ve discovered in which faith can play a significant role.

What Is True Reproductive Care?

What Is True Reproductive Care? Infertility is devastating. Having children is one of the greatest joys this side of eternity, and when we are told it cannot happen for us, we are shattered. There are many places that offer reproductive care, but in the world of contemporary medicine, the odds of finding true reproductive care […]

The CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare™ System

The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) says about Natural Family Planning, “The Catholic Church supports the methods of Natural Family Planning (NFP) because they respect God’s design for married love. In fact, NFP represents the only authentic approach to family planning available to husbands and wives because these […]

Dr. Edward Bayer – Extending the Healing Touch of Jesus

Dr. Edward Bayer – Extending the Healing Touch of Jesus Dr. Edward Bayer has practiced pediatric medicine (the field specializing in care for infants, children, and adolescents) for more than 25 years. His is a holistic approach to health, not only focusing on physical and mental needs, but spiritual needs as well.After working at the […]

Dr. Thomas Reinardy is here!

Dr. Thomas Reinardy is here! Dr. Thomas Reinardy has officially started practicing at the St. Gianna Clinic, and so far he’s been thoroughly enjoying his time here. At the time of this article’s fashioning, Dr. Reinardy is in the middle of his second day at the clinic, and by the time it goes to print […]

Sports Physicals Available at St. Gianna Clinic

Sports Physicals Available at St. Gianna Clinic It’s hard to believe summer just officially began a little over two weeks ago! Yet, the school year is approaching soon, and it’s time to start preparing for the upcoming year. If your child is a student athlete and still needs a sports physical done for the forthcoming […]