Fertility Care
The FertilityCare Center at St. Gianna Clinic offers instruction in the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare™ System, a natural and procreative way for women to take charge of their health.

How It Works
The CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare™ System uses a standardized tool for charting based on observing and tracking the physical signs a woman has when she is fertile. It can be used throughout a woman’s life to identify fertile and infertile days in her cycle, as well as key indicators of her hormonal function and health, with no side effects.
This system is for anyone seeking a natural option that works cooperatively with her body. The method encourages communication, respect and understanding between couples. In fact, couples using this method have a less than 2% divorce rate compared to the national rate of more than 50%. It is very versatile and can be used in a variety of situations:
- Short, long or irregular length menstrual cycles
- Breastfeeding women
- Postpartum women
- Continuous discharge
- Achieving pregnancy
- Avoiding pregnancy
The charting tool collects information to recognize, diagnose and accurately treat women’s health problems during any stage of her life. Treatments can then be prescribed based on an understanding of what is actually occurring in the woman’s cycle. When treatment is combined with NaProTECHNOLOGY, numerous medical conditions can be addressed.

Monitor Your Cycle And Naturally Take Charge Of Your Body
- Young ladies and teenagers who want to understand why changes are happening with their body
- Young ladies and teenagers with irregular or heavy cycles
- Women who want to be in control by learning about their cycle – including how and why their cycle and body works the way it does

Achieve Or Avoid Pregnancy
- Engaged or newly married couples
- Married couples
- interested in learning when they are fertile
- having trouble getting pregnant
- looking to space apart and time pregnancies around life events
- with fulfilled families, not looking to have more children
- Couples seeking natural alternatives
- Pre- and post-menopause women
- Post-pregnancy and breastfeeding women
- Women with regular or irregular cycles
Diagnose Underlying Women's Health Concerns
- Pre- and post-menopause women
- Post-pregnancy and breastfeeding women
- Women with
- Regular or irregular cycles
- PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
- Menstrual cramps
- Infertility
- Ovarian cysts
- Polycystic ovarian disease
- Endometriosis
- Repetitive miscarriages
- Post-partum depression
- Hormonal abnormalities

How To Get Started
Take charge of your health today!