Our Providers

Dr. Robin Goldsmith
President, CMO

Dr. Goldsmith is the president, Chief Medical Officer, and co-founder of the St. Gianna Clinic. She has practiced anesthesia in northeast Wisconsin with specialization in obstetric anesthesia for nearly 20 years, having chosen this discipline because it would allow her to employ her pro-life medical skills to their best effect. A preview of her faithfully Catholic medical career occurred when she co-founded Medical Students for Life at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine. The 1996 recipient of the Gertie Marx Research Award, the sole research honor bestowed at that time by the Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology, Dr. Goldsmith’s work has been published in respected industry periodicals, including the International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia and Neuroscience. The Diocese of Green Bay awarded Dr. Goldsmith the Faith That Works Award in 2015 for influencing the workplace through business practices that reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church, and for sharing herself with parishes and the community. In 2016, she was awarded the Pro-Life Wisconsin Activist of the Year Award for her dedication to conveying through her work that the Church’s teachings regarding life, love, and family are for the health and happiness of all. Most recently, she was awarded the National Catholic Medical Association’s Distinguished Guardian of Excellence Award. 

Dr. Goldsmith co-founded the St. Gianna Molla Clinic in 2014. St. Gianna Clinic was given a formal decree as the first “Catholic Teaching Clinic ” in the country by Bishop David Ricken. The clinic continues to grow and serves as a sustainable, replicable model for the entire country, which provides truly excellent, truly faithful medical care for all people, while evangelizing to patients and families throughout the diocese and beyond. Dr. Goldsmith served on the board of the Wisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists for over 15 years and has served as a state delegate and an alternate delegate for the American Society of Anesthesiologists, where major decisions such as standards of care and medical protocols for the country are decided. 

Dr. Goldsmith and her husband, Paul, also a physician, have four sons and are active members of St. Pius X Parish in Appleton.  She has participated in a number of national and local Marches for Life. She has served as president of St. Paul’s Parish Total Board of Education and was a member of the Green Bay Diocese Total Faith Formation Committee. She has served as spiritual director for St. Pius X Christ Renews His Parish program, and as an extraordinary minister of the Holy Eucharist. Dr. Goldsmith also served as co-founder and president of the St. Gianna Molla Guild NEW, State Director of the Wisconsin Catholic Medical Guilds after piloting the State Director program for CMA throughout the country, and Regional Director of the Catholic Medical Association. She serves on the national board of the Catholic Medical Association as a Regional Director of the Midwest, as well as on multiple committees, including Co-Chairman of the Catholic Clinics Committee. In addition, she has served on other boards like Catholic Youth Expeditions. Dr. Goldsmith has given many pro-life talks throughout the country at various events, including the March for Life in Washington, D.C., to several hundred young adults. 

“Pray as if everything depends upon God and act as if everything depends on you,” is Dr. Goldsmith’s favorite spiritual quote written by St. Augustine, which also serves as an apt description of this dynamic leader’s philosophy.

Dr. Robin Goldsmith

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