Blog Posts
How to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder
In the tapestry of my life, faith has emerged as the golden thread weaving through the fabric of my health and healing. Faith can have a profound impact on your life’s journey. Here are several ways I’ve discovered in which faith can play a significant role.
The Power of Faith in Your Health, Healing and Life’s Journey
In the tapestry of my life, faith has emerged as the golden thread weaving through the fabric of my health and healing. Faith can have a profound impact on your life’s journey. Here are several ways I’ve discovered in which faith can play a significant role.
What Is True Reproductive Care?
What Is True Reproductive Care? Infertility is devastating. Having children is one of the greatest joys this side of eternity, and when we are told
De Pere’s St. Gianna Clinic Practices Restorative Reproductive Medicine
De Pere’s St. Gianna Clinic Practices Restorative Reproductive Medicine By St. Gianna Clinic Medical Staff | Special To The Compass | October 12, 2023 Four Clinic Doctors
The CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare™ System
The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) says about Natural Family Planning, “The Catholic Church supports the methods of
Dr. Edward Bayer – Extending the Healing Touch of Jesus
Dr. Edward Bayer – Extending the Healing Touch of Jesus Dr. Edward Bayer has practiced pediatric medicine (the field specializing in care for infants, children,